Managing Being Quarantined with Your Children


Managing Being Quarantined with Your Children

Reflections by Rev. Harry Stackhouse

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” NAS

 The quarantine caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic has brought governments to slow motion or a standstill. Parents have had to face the fact that many of them don’t really know their children.

Parents are God’s agents. As an agent of God to our children, it is necessary to present Christ in a positive way.

Tedd Tripp wrote in his book titled, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” these words, “Many people have children, but do not want to be parents. Our culture has convinced them that they need to quench their personal thirst for fulfillment. In a self-absorbed culture, children are a clear liability.”

Parenting is multifaceted. It involves being kind in all situations (even when the kids are not kind), creating an environment that is healthy and safe where children can be nurtured, and setting a Godly lifestyle before them.

There are things that the family can do that will establish better communication among one another, learn things about one another not known, and deepen each one’s relationship with Christ. Ask what character in the Bible do they most like in that person.

These are a few things that can be done to make quarantined tolerable.

1. Prayer and devotion together. Be sure to get the children’s input. They need

ownership of the activity.

2. Reflect on the things that have happened during the quarantine. Give God the Glory for what He has done in the heart of each family member

3. Have meaningful conversations around the breakfast and dinner table. Let the children choose the subjects to discuss. Parents must show genuine interest in what the children are communicating. Communication is a dialogue, not a monologue.  We often think of ourselves as talking to our children instead we should be talking with our children.

Speak to be heard and listen for understanding. Proverbs 23:23 “…get wisdom and instruction.” NASB

4. Grant free time (DOWN TIME) for everyone INCLUDING YOU. You need a break.

5. Play family games together.

6. Discuss current events.

7. Decrease the time spent on mobile phones, computers, iPads, video games.

Immediately teach the necessity of a good attitude during the time of quarantine.

7. Watch a movie together or read a book together.



Daniel Hartman